II Feria de la Cereza y el Ajo Tierno
Se celebrará los próximos días 3 y 4 de Junio....
La Concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Ricla informa que...
Programa de actividades de las fiestas en honor a Santa...
Bases del puesto de Administrativo en el Ayuntamiento de Ricla. DESCARGAR...
A falta de pocos días para comenzar las fiestas, os...
‘El Pilón de Los Santos’ is a monument located in Doña Clara Street, in Ricla. It is a beautiful brick monument built in the 18th century. This pylon is the first example of ethnographic heritage that we will have the opportunity to see in our tour of Ricla. Built entirely in solid exposed brick, it is impressive for its prismatic block appearance, although it is tinged by the vertical lines that mark the corners, characteristics that share with the village tower.
The pylon is built in honour of San Teopomo and San Sinesio, two martyrs who died under the rule of Daciano, a former ruler of Nertóbriga (the current Ricla). As these two patrons gave their lives for God, they were sanctified, and therefore they become the second patrons of the town.
Nowadays, to remember them, every 21st of May, the villagers go on a tour and make an offering from Lumbrarias street to the place where the pylon is located.
In the past, this monument also served as a reference to know where the territory of Ricla began.
Plaza de España, 1
50270 Ricla (Zaragoza)
Teléfono: +34 976 606 141
Fax: +34 976 606 141
Email: info.ricla@dpz.es
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